Thursday, October 20, 2016

The "Buck & Brutus Show" Comes to a Close, But My, Oh My, What a Run

Brutus: "Why am I in the BACK seat?"
Buck: "Can I eat the bugs flying into my mouth?"
Writing an essay like this offers some measure of therapy, but primarily, it pays tribute to two of the greatest companions that God could have ever bestowed upon one family...

Losing one pet is hard enough, but losing two in a six-week span has been more painful than we could have ever imagined.

Buck contemplating life...
and what's for dinner
This past Monday, Joni and I had to put our beloved Buck to rest after 12 wonderful years of companionship. Buck was a Yellow Labrador who fit every stereotype one could possibly conjure about the breed: he ate every meal with the voracity of a starved shark, he greeted each new guest as if they just might reward him with a 12-ounce T-bone, and he shed his fur as if he was getting paid to do so. He was a happy boy who joyfully wagged and woofed every time one of us returned home as if we had been gone on a round-the-world journey.

Matt Damon gets to meet
Buck & Brutus in person.
"Big dog there," says Matt
Unfortunately, Buck's passing came on the heels of losing the also-much-beloved Brutus. He came to us as an adopted foster puppy with one eye blue, the other brown, and we determined he was part lab, part husky, and part moose. Brutus grew into his name and once tipped the scales at 150 pounds...that is, until we invoked the green bean diet and slimmed him down to a svelte 130. Strangers, neighbors, family members, and even Matt Damon (left) couldn't help but point out the obvious upon meeting Brutus: "That's a big dog!" Yes, yes, he was.
Brutus contemplating life...
and his next caper

Brutus was an investment. He managed to blow out not one, but two knees--each requiring surgery. His stature afforded him the ability to snatch purses, satchels, briefcases, luggage, bagged candy, and just about anything he found interesting under 50 pounds, through his dog door and into the backyard; where he could survey his latest haul.

Brutus was the instigator and Buck just hoped somehow food was involved in the plan, "Brutus, I don't know if I'd be doing that if I was you!" Buck and Brutus filled our house with over 200 lbs. of love, chaos, footing obstacles, and hair. Lots of hair.

Like anybody who has lost a pet/companion/loyal friend, we will get beyond this period of mourning. No doubt, we'll seriously consider adding a puppy in our future. But damn, there will never again be a duo like Buck & Brutus. As a good friend of mine remarked after spending a few days with them: 

"Buck and Brutus should have their own sitcom."

RIP fellas. We miss you both mightily and loved you unconditionally. Here's hoping there's limitless treats and a heavy duty Dyson in Heaven.